Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Kraus
The Berlin based media artist and educator, Stefan Kraus, is co-founder of the creative coding education hub, The NODE Institute and the media art studio, MXZEHN. He explores the augmentation of physical structures using interactive and generative media. His studio produces interactive installations, live media performances and augmented reality applications for commercial clients, festivals, institutions and exhibitions.
Der Medienkünstler Stefan Kraus lebt und arbeitet in Berlin. Er ist einer der Gründer des NODE Institutes für kreative Programmierung und des Medienkunst Studios MXZEHN.
Er erforscht die Erweiterung architektonischer Räume mit interaktiven, oft generativen Medien. Sein Studio MXZEHN konzipiert und produziert Medienarchitektur und interaktive Installationen für Kunden aus der Wirtschaft sowie Institutionen, Festivals und Ausstellungen.
TouchDesigner is a visual development platform that equips you with the tools you need to create stunning realtime projects and rich user experiences. Whether you’re creating interactive media systems, architectural projections, live music visuals, or simply rapid-prototyping your latest creative impulse, TouchDesigner is the platform that can do it all. derivative.ca
The NODE Institute in Berlin, founded 2020 by David Brüll and Stefan Kraus, empowers the creative software community to share knowledge and growth. By hosting user meetups, workshops, webinars and online courses, the Institute functions as a hub for creatives at the intersection of art and technology. The Institute works closely with the media art festival NODE Forum for Digital Arts to extend the festival’s massive workshop program throughout the year. thenodeinstitute.org FB IG